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About Lisa Roy

Photography by the Agoraphobe 


Hi, I am Lisa and I suffer from Agoraphobia. What can get me out of my home? Well, taking photos is one way, perhaps a camera in front of face feels somewhat protective. You will find many photos of nature, in my backyard, of the ocean, and the city. I just love taking pictures to tell a story, share beauty and for Joy.


I grew up in a small town in NH, and now live in RI, I'm married with a few dogs. I am shy and uncomfortable around a lot of people. Love to create fantasy art and take photos. If you want to know more about "Photography by the Agoraphobe" please email me.


What is Agoraphobia, well Wiki says it is anxiety in situations where the sufferer perceives certain environments as dangerous or uncomfortable, often due to the environment's vast openness or crowdedness. These situations include, but are not limited to, wide-open spaces, as well as uncontrollable social situations such as the possibility of being met in shopping malls, airports, and on bridges. 

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